Chip Brogden
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate." -Romans 7:15
We eventually discover, like Paul, that the real problem is not what we DO, but what we ARE. We can confess the same sins over and over again, or we can take up the Cross and die to them all. The first approach deals with sins committed, while the second approach deals with the sinner.
Which do you think is more effective? Well, if the one who sins is dead then the issue of continued sinning becomes irrelevant. Hating sin is good; hating Self is better, and far more effective. For the strength of Sin is Self. If you take the ax to the root of a bad tree, then it will stop producing bad fruit, and the issue is settled once and for all. If Self is denied then Sin becomes superfluous, and the problem of Evil is solved.
Which do you think is more effective? Well, if the one who sins is dead then the issue of continued sinning becomes irrelevant. Hating sin is good; hating Self is better, and far more effective. For the strength of Sin is Self. If you take the ax to the root of a bad tree, then it will stop producing bad fruit, and the issue is settled once and for all. If Self is denied then Sin becomes superfluous, and the problem of Evil is solved.
“Lord, Your Word says that if we confess our sin, You will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness and cast our sin into the depths of the sea. Show me now the generational sins that have been operating in my life and the lives of my family. Forgive me, cleanse me and set me free from all generational sin. Please break the curses and plant Your blessings in my life and my family. In Jesus’ Name, Amen and Amen.