The Fallen Cross
Chip Brogden
Chip Brogden
"If anyone desires to come after Me,
let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." -Luke 9:23
let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." -Luke 9:23
When we first come to the Lord we truly think we are giving Him our all, but we cannot fully appreciate just how powerful Self is. It cannot be dealt with in a once-and-for-all manner. It requires many seasons of God's dealings for us to see the truth about the Lord, and the truth about ourselves.
That is why I say there is more hope for someone who is ready to give up and quit than there is for someone who keeps promising to do better tomorrow. Only after we have tried and failed one hundred, one thousand, or one million times will we at last be able to say, "Lord, I finally understand now that I can originate nothing of my own self, because whenever I do, I meet with nothing but defeat. So I am finished! Henceforth, not my will, but Your Will be done!"
That is why I say there is more hope for someone who is ready to give up and quit than there is for someone who keeps promising to do better tomorrow. Only after we have tried and failed one hundred, one thousand, or one million times will we at last be able to say, "Lord, I finally understand now that I can originate nothing of my own self, because whenever I do, I meet with nothing but defeat. So I am finished! Henceforth, not my will, but Your Will be done!"
Dear Lord, Your call is not easy. It’s not easy to take up our cross and follow You. It’s not easy to seek first Your kingdom. And it’s certainly not easy to love our enemies. Yet You call us, nevertheless, aware of our weaknesses. You call us to Your way, the way of the kingdom. You call us to a life that we can live only by Your strength. I ask for that strength today, Lord. Help me to love beyond my own limitations. May I be a channel of Your abundant, sacrificial, holy, gracious love. Through Jesus Christ and the intercession of the Holy Spirit, I pray. Amen and Amen.